To order a repeat prescription please use the following options:
- Login to SystmOnline
- Put a prescription request form into the prescription box available in the entrance of both surgery sites
- Ask your chemist to order on your behalf by any of the above methods
Please allow 48 hours for your prescription to be processed or if you have a nominated pharmacy where your prescriptions are sent electronically then please allow 7 days before collection/delivery of your medication.
Request your repeats online with SystmOnline
If you have a SystmOnline account please click logo below to login and order your repeat medication.
Remember to add in the comments box which surgery you would like to collect your prescription from.
Please note, if you have not ordered any medication for 6 months of more, it will be removed off your repeat medication list. Should you wish to order again then you may be asked to see a GP for a medication review before medication is reinstated onto your repeat list. This includes patients who are going away for long periods of time.
Repeat Dispensing
Electronic repeat dispensing is a way of getting your medicines without needing to ask the doctor each time. It is a safe, effective and secure way of managing your medicines. Not only would it save time for you the patient and the practice, it also saves the NHS money. If you are on stable therapy for long term condition(s), you may be suitable for electronic repeat dispensing.
How does it work?
The prescriber (GP) will authorise and send a batch (for up to 12 months) of electronic repeat prescriptions to your nominated pharmacy. Each will be dispensed and can be collected/delivered* by your pharmacy at regular intervals, when you need them without having to contact your GP.
The next time you need more medicines, simply return to your pharmacy where they will be able to supply your next prescription.
If you don’t need all of your prescriptions, tell the pharmacy staff and they will only provide what you need. This help reduce medicines waste and save the NHS money.
Prior to dispensing the next issue of you medicines the pharmacy may ask:
- if you have recently seen any health professionals since the last issue of your medicines,
- if you have started any new medicines (either on prescription or over the counter purchase)
- if you have experienced any side effects or had any problems with your medicines
- if there are any items you do not need on your prescriptions.
If you have any questions about your medicines, you can ask your community pharmacist.
When you collect the last prescription in a batch, your pharmacy will let you know. You will need to contact the surgery in good time for a new set of repeat prescriptions. Please note that you may need a review with the GP or nurse prior to the re-authorisation of a new batch of prescriptions.
*Delivery service is subject to arrangement with your nominated pharmacy.